Tag: planning

Three things that will maximize success?

A few years ago I received an email from one of my athletes. In the email, the athlete asked me, “if you had three things that you said are the three things I should change for next season that WILL make me faster at my goal race, what would those three things be? I …

Stay focused on the present

I am a ‘big picture’ guy. I’ve been preaching the importance of identifying your two ‘BIG DEALS’ in life and constructing a lifestyle that allows you to go after them. But it is easy to get overwhelmed by the enormity of these BIG DEALS. Sometimes, when we dwell on the amount of …

Training Tip: HILL RUNNING

Most folks dread hilly workouts. And for good reason! Running up a hill is hard!! Your run pace slows down, your legs and lungs burn, and sometimes it seems that you will never reach the top of the hill. But what goes up must come down, and the reward for …

A wise dose of selfishness

The quote above is from one of my favorite Buddhist authors Thich Nhat Hanh. It resonated with me because it is a philosophy I follow. I’m not sure when I adopted this philosophy, but I know it’s True (with a “Capital ‘T’”) for me. I challenge you with this: If …

Adapt to persevere

As I write this, it is snowing. This is our second major snowfall of 2019. Last weekend we saw about 8 inches of snow, and today, I’m guessing there is another 4 or 5 inches on the ground with the snow still falling. The upside is that I have the …

The choice is yours

Well, we are back at it. January workouts are always bittersweet. I like that it’s time to train again, but as I start the program, I remember all of the work that training entails. I have two choices: 1)  I can think about how hard I’ll need to work, the sacrifices …

Surround yourself with good people

The new year is a great time to do a “mental reset.”  Here’s how I approach the “mental reset” practice: I take time to reflect on the year. I like to identify the things that went well. And the things that didn’t go so well. I use this reflection to set …

Training Tip: the Taper!

We obviously train so that we can get stronger, faster, and fitter.  As you have learned, the way we do this is to stress our bodies and then allow them to recover.  This balance of stress and recovery allows us to adapt and continue improving.  The goal as we lead …

Got enough iron, man?

Endurance athletes are always looking for a competitive edge; that is why we put so much time and energy in to proper training and state-of-the-art equipment. For those who are serious about their performance (or, more importantly, are serious about their health), you may want to look beyond heart rate …

eat right during the metabolic window

WHAT you eat and WHEN you eat have a huge impact on recovery. By focusing on nutrient timing you can maximize the previous workout’s effect and get yourself ready to have a great workout tomorrow.