As if Ironman racing wasn’t stressful enough… getting to the race healthy, getting your bike to the hotel, checking in… You have to figure out what to put in your transition bags!
Many of us have done triathlons where we simply set up our transition area the morning of the race. But Ironman is totally different. You have to plan out everything you need in for T1 and put it in a bag. And you have to plan out everything you need for T2 and put it in a different bag. Then you drop these bags off the day before the race.
What may seem like a pretty simple task (putting our gear in a bag) can be a BIG STRESSOR. Below are some videos I made that show how I plan out my T1 and T2 bags. I hope this helps take some stress off of you the day before your Ironman.
T1 bag:
Things to put in your T1 Ironman bag from Endurance Company on Vimeo.
T2 bag: