Tag: racing

2007 Ironman Florida Pre-Race Report

After Canada, I took some time to recover and recharge my mental batteries. The time and effort I put in to preparing for IM Canada totally drained me – especially when I didn’t perform as well as I was capable of on race day. I was fortunate enough to be …

Surviving Race Week

You followed the plan. You are fit. Race week is here. Now you have to survive the days leading up to the race! Race week (the week leading up to your ‘big race’ is often full of tension, anxiety, restlessness, doubt, excitement, nervousness, and anticipation. These positive and negative feelings can deeply …

Taking it to the next level!

So you have already done a triathlon, or maybe you haven’t done one yet, but you have watched one. Either way, your goal is not just to finish; you want to go as fast as you can. What do you do?

When it’s time to specify…

At some point in the athletic journey, you need to differentiate and specify. You can only realize your potential when you dial in on the path that will take you there. This principle is true at the most basic level of human life.

To handle anxiety, think negatively

Racing (and living) are ruled by external factors. We can’t control much of what happens around us. There are no guarantees that things will work out the way you plan.