Tag: nutrition

Winter Nutrition Guidelines.

You should have read the “Beginning the conversation on NUTRITION” article now. If you haven’t, check it out HERE The intent with this conversation is to help you improve your diet, improve your health, improve you performance, and help you understand the differences between eating for health versus eating for …

Intermittent Fasting and Endurance Training (part 3: “sleep low”)

  We discussed the health intermittent fasting (IF) HERE, and how to safely/strategically incorporate IF into “simple” (1x/day, aerobic) endurance training HERE.  Now, let’s look at how we can incorporate the IF/low-carb strategy into a training program in which we train 2 or 3 times per day… I posted a …

Intermittent fasting and endurance training (part 2)

First off, there are lots of data about Intermittent Fasting (IF), training while fasted, nutrient timing, “train low,” glycogen depletion, etc… So, it’s easy to get confused when you begin to discuss the interaction between nutrition and training. So, I’m going to make it simple and introduce “IF plus training” …

eat right during the metabolic window

WHAT you eat and WHEN you eat have a huge impact on recovery. By focusing on nutrient timing you can maximize the previous workout’s effect and get yourself ready to have a great workout tomorrow.

Nutrition for the long run

It is not uncommon for athletes to tell us that they had heavy legs, low energy, and no ability to run at the end. Often times, a common theme from among these athletes is that they didn’t take in many (if any) carbohydrates during the run. There is a lesson …

Eating for Health AND Performance?!?

When embarking on a training program, you want to balance ‘performance eating’ with ‘healthy eating.’ My goal is to clear up some of the confusion regarding sugar, carbohydrates, and overall eating strategies so you can not only perform well but maintain good nutrition habits and maximize your health. There is a lot of …

Training and fueling part 1: liquid or solid??

As the training sessions get longer, it is necessary to turn our focus to fueling. Now is a great time to experiment with and practice different fueling options. Dial in a system that works and practice it now. It will pay off come racing season! Carbohydrate improves performance during long …

Intermittent Fasting

In this week’s weigh-in video (members, see the Team ECo Facebook page), I mentioned a  strategy I employed last week: intermittent fasting (IF).  I’ve been practicing some form of this (unintentionally) over the past 15 years. If you have been paying attention to diet/health media recently, IF has become very …