Tag: philosophy

Phases of Motivation – Part 3

  This is part 3 of my “Phases of Motivation” articles that I began writing after finishing my last Ironman as a professional (click for part 1 and part 2).  It took me almost an entire year to realize what “Phase 3” was, but here it is… The picture above was taken during …

Phases of Motivation – Part 2

  This is a continuation from “Phases of Motivation (part 1).  I continue to reflect on my continuing journey as an athlete.  The photo above is a picture of me getting my transition area ready next to Luke Bell at the Spirit of Racine half-Ironman.  I was definitely lining up …

Phases of Motivation – Part 1

  As I look back on my career, I can pinpoint three major motivators or, rather, “motivational phases.”  Within these phases, I had specific motivators, but these three phases encompass the general focus of that time. Motivation Phase I lasted from my athletic beginnings, 1979 (the first time I remember …

Ironman: the journey is the destination

From 2002 – 2007 I was “all in.” I ate, slept, and breathed Ironman training. I studied the science of nutrition, metabolism, and psychology. I used myself as an n=1 study. I trained hard. I raced hard. I basically gave five years of my life trying to get the most …

No pain, no gain

Sport is a fun pastime as well as the training ground to practice for the challenges you will inevitably face in the course of living.   I picked the quote below because of the intimate connection that the journey towards our BIG DEALS plays with all aspects of life. Especially sport. The …

Embracing pain so you can grow

We just wrapped up the 2018 ECo EPIC weekend.  From my perspective, it was a great weekend. The athletes had their fair share of challenges, but each person dealt with it in their own way and came out the other side stronger. During the weekend, I happened to read a …

The difference between WORKING OUT and TRAINING

Exercise, as it relates to physical activity, is defined as “a particular movement or series of movements done to become stronger and healthier.” In 2015, over 54 million people enrolled in fitness centers in the U.S., and there are around 34,000 membership-based exercise facilities in the U.S. Despite that, people …

Six take-home messages from years of endurance training

The original version of this article was published on my first website, gojoeco.com in 2006. It summarized my thoughts on ‘necessary elements of successful Ironman training.’ I thought the since a high percentage of us are training for a longer race this fall, it would be appropriate to resurrect this article. I modified …

Surviving Race Week

You followed the plan. You are fit. Race week is here. Now you have to survive the days leading up to the race! Race week (the week leading up to your ‘big race’ is often full of tension, anxiety, restlessness, doubt, excitement, nervousness, and anticipation. These positive and negative feelings can deeply …