Tag: multisport

Everyone needs a coach

Have you been coached? Over my career, I have had a number of experiences with coaches. Some coaches  provided the spark I needed to succeed. Others were reason I quit the sport. Coaching is an interesting vocation. When you believe in something, and you want others to see it, it …

Stay focused on the present

I am a ‘big picture’ guy. I’ve been preaching the importance of identifying your two ‘BIG DEALS’ in life and constructing a lifestyle that allows you to go after them. But it is easy to get overwhelmed by the enormity of these BIG DEALS. Sometimes, when we dwell on the amount of …

Transition 101

Any race requires that you get from the starting line to the finish line as fast as you can. In triathlons, this involves swimming, biking, running and TRANSITIONING between disciplines. Races can be won or lost in transition. In fact I can identify two races I WON because I transitioned …

Training Tip: the Taper!

We obviously train so that we can get stronger, faster, and fitter.  As you have learned, the way we do this is to stress our bodies and then allow them to recover.  This balance of stress and recovery allows us to adapt and continue improving.  The goal as we lead …

2007 Ironman Florida Race Report

For the past 6 years, I have trained with the hopes of going 1/5/3.  Be on the bike in one hour, less than five hours on the bike and sub-three hours for the run.  And for the past 6 years, I truly believed (and still do) that I am capable …

Surviving Race Week

You followed the plan. You are fit. Race week is here. Now you have to survive the days leading up to the race! Race week (the week leading up to your ‘big race’ is often full of tension, anxiety, restlessness, doubt, excitement, nervousness, and anticipation. These positive and negative feelings can deeply …

Train Your Brain!

When we do a triathlon, we step out of our comfort zone and push the boundaries of what we previously thought possible. This journey often leads to experiences that most people won’t ever have. However, the journey takes great mental toughness and a vital sporting attribute that some say you …

Tweaking my position

The post below was written in 2007, my last year racing as a professional triathlete.  Identifying what IS and IS NOT in your control is powerful. This pertains to sport and life…