How to find your training zones (VIDEO)

There are many ways to find your training zones. In this video, I explain two methods for finding training zones: laboratory testing and field testing. Visit this post for background on training zones. The take home messages from this are: Proper workouts/sets must be adhered to to get accurate, usable …

Why it’s important to collect (and re-collect) data! (VIDEO)

I’m a data geek, and I want you to be too! I’ve posted a couple of videos related to “what are training zones” and “how do you find your training zones” I build on this concept in this video. I discuss the value of collecting baseline data and follow-up data. …

How to get the most from Joe’s messages. (VIDEO)

If you want to get the most from my messages, watch this. I often blend straight-up factual messages with philosophical messages. Some posts are more factual (“Here is how to do this workout…” or “This is the best way to find your threshold zone…”), while others seem abstract. Interestingly, my …

Training Zones Explained (VIDEO)

Training zones don’t have to be complicated. This video breaks down the critical values in determining your optimal training zones. The take-home messages from this video are: There are two training intensities: AEROBIC CAP and LACTATE THRESHOLD AEROBIC CAP is the intensity at which we are maximizing our aerobic capacity and …

Wingate Demo! (VIDEO)

Wingates are a staple ECo workout. They hurt, but when done properly, this workout can super-charge your fitness. In order to get the most benefit, you have to do them right. In this video, Joe demonstrates how to do a Wingate effort.   If you want to get the full …

Joe’s thoughts on “Is FTP Dead?” (VIDEO)

The FTP (Functional Threshold Power) concept has been around as long as we have known about lactate threshold. FTP is a relatively recent term, trademarked by someone (I think Coogan and Allen for their book), but is simply another name for LACTATE THRESHOLD (VT2, lactate turn point, anaerobic threshold, etc… …

Joe explains FTP to the team (VIDEO)

This 10-minute video provides valuable insight into how to translate the concept of ‘threshold’ to a workout. Before one of our group bike workouts, Joe spent 10 minutes explaining how he wants a particular workout done. He describes a combination of data (power, heart rate) and perceived exertion (how does …